Edward Cruz
Professor of Mathematics
(510) 215-3809

On Oct 22, 2014, at 11:44 AM, Segade, Gabriela <gsegade@contracosta.edu> wrote:

Hi Ed,

We are going over your Math 125 proposal with the technical review team.  We found a few issues that need to be changed.

Your lab and your lecture content are exactly the same right now.  Usually reviewers want to see how the lab content is more appropriate for a lab, so maybe you can rephrase the lab content in a way that shows you are doing applications of the content in the lab.

Also, you have 90 hours of lecture, which equals 5 hours/week.  That means you should have approximately 10 hours of out-of-class assignments (lab does not carry an expectation of out of class work).  Would you like us to adjust the number of hours on homework assignments to make sure it doesn't get rejected by the state reviewers?

Finally, this is more internal, but I thought your assessment method for your first SLO doesn't really match the kind of knowledge that you intent to measure.  The intended outcome seems to call for a performance or project type of assignment so you can assess production.  Having said that, your SLOs don't need to correspond to your course objectives one-to-one.  You could rephrase the SLO to focus on receptive knowledge that can be assessed through test questions.

If you could respond to these questions by Monday, we can make changes to your documents and show them to CIC in their revised form, which will make it more likely that the proposal will sail through smoothly.

Let me know if you have questions.
